International development assistance

At PwC we work closely with governments - and their development partners - to meet the myriad needs of poor citizens in developing and transitioning countries. Our aim is simple:

To improve the efficiency, and the effectiveness, of the services we deliver by promoting innovation, reducing costs, assuring accountability and establishing results based management.

Needless to say, a strong belief in good governance and a commitment to government ownership lies at the basis of all or work in public sector management, infrastructure, tax administration, financial sector reform, fund monitoring and healthcare. In fact, we regard transparency and harmonisation amongst governments, donors and other partners, and the strengthening of government systems, as essential to sustainable development.

Contact us

Gabriel Wong

Head of China Corporate Finance, Inbound/Outbound Leader, Belt & Road Leader, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 2609

Christopher Tan

Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (10) 6533 2552

Cyrus Lu

Capital Projects and Infrastructure Partner, PwC China

Tel: +[86] (21) 2323 3260

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