Our impact results

Outlined below is a snapshot of our workplace performance.

Summary of our KPIs Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Our workplace
Total headcount FY average  18,855 20,264 21,184 23,983
Number of partners FY average 644 812 830 925
Number of staff FY average     18,211 19,452 20,354 23,058
Female partners  % female partners (as of 30 June) 31% 34% 35% 37%
Female partner admissions % female partners (as of 30 June) 32% 44% 43% 43%
Hours in training time through formal L&D programmes 1000 Hours 1,812 1,650 1,617 1,968
Average number of trainings hours per person Hours 87 81 76 82
Completion of annual compliance  % completion 100% 100% 100% 100%
Recommend PwC as a great place to work % favourable 75% 79% 77% 84%
Proud to work at PwC % favourable 80% 82% 78% 87%
Community engagement
Charitable donations - staff & partners RMB 4,636,285 1,625,150 1,126,001 1,480,271
Charitable donations - firm (cash and in-kind) RMB 4,763,092 3,950,886 4,602,133 7,737,557
Total number of volunteers [1] No. of staff & partners 8,473 1,996 2,161 2,401
Volunteer participation rate [1] % participation 45% 10% 10% 10%
Total number of volunteer hours [1] Hours 100,322 89,328 96,699 86,276
Number of skilled volunteers + professional participants  No. of staff & partners 1,268 1,403 1,535 1,576
Number of skilled volunteer hours + professional hours  Hours 61,705 82,942 92,982 82,191
Number of beneficiaries reached  No. of NGOs, social enterprises/small businesses, education/skills beneficiaries 33,008 45,805 1,075,881 2,166,392
PwC makes a positive difference in society through our work with clients and suppliers to address social issues [2] % favourable N/A N/A 66% 69%
PwC makes a positive difference in society through investing in financial, volunteering and pro bono services (to support individuals, NGOs and social and micro enterprises) [2] % favourable N/A N/A 55% 59%
Environmental Stewardship [3]
Energy consumption (heating and electricity) MWh 63,153 66,107 65,762 64,119
Renewable energy MWh 16,030 15,450  50,342 48,901
Carbon offset tCO2e 39,711 28,646 24,372 19,317
Air travel (distance) 1000km 170,724 116,445 102,631 74,274
Total GHG emissions (market-based) tCO2e 94,866 74,113 46,340 40,496
Total GHG emissions (location-based) tCO2e 107,356 86,109 85,944 79,340
Scope 1 tCO2e  102 63 70 69
Scope 2 (market-based) tCO2e 33,200 34,609 6,106 6,027
Scope 2 (location-based) tCO2e 45,690 46,604 45,710 44,871
Scope 3 tCO2e 61,564 39,441 40,164 34,400
GHG emissions per capita (market-based) tCO2e per average employee headcount       5.03 3.66 2.19 1.69
GHG emissions per capita (location-based) tCO2e per average employee headcount     5.69 4.25 4.06 3.31
PwC makes a positive difference in society through our work with clients and suppliers to address environmental issues [2] % favourable  N/A  N/A 42% 54%
PwC makes a positive difference in society through taking action on our environmental impact e.g., carbon emissions, recycling, energy consumption and our use of renewable energy [2] % favourable  N/A  N/A 50% 63%


[1] Including general volunteering, skilled volunteering and pro-bono and discounted engagement.
[2] New questions added to PwC's Global People survey added in FY21.
[3] Data of prior years have been restated to align the GHG INVENTORY with the scope of our Science Based Target.

Contact us

Douglas Johnson

Douglas Johnson

Director, Corporate Sustainability, PwC Hong Kong

Tel: +[852] 2289 1737

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